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Muddy Ducks Nursery/Pre-school Application

If you would like to apply to our Muddy Ducks Nursery/Pre-school, please fill in the form to the left and our Nursery Admissions team will be in touch. If you have any queries, please email them at:

If you would like to arrange a visit and meet with our Early Years Lead, Sarah-Jane O’Donnell, to find out more about our Early Years provision, please email Sarah-Jane at:

Please click on the link below for our Muddy Ducks Nursery and Pre-school Admissions Policy:

Nursery and Pre-School Admissions Policy

‘Curiosity Hatches in Muddy Ducks’ … and through the eyes of a 2 year old the whole world is full of awe and wonder, everything is extraordinary. So, at Muddy Ducks we foster and celebrate the ‘how and why’ everyday!

Muddy Ducks@THS places children right at the heart of all we do and develops on from the learning and education which parents/carers have already started in the home – you are your child's first teacher.

We are so very proud to be part of our rich, diverse community and pride ourselves on our relationship with families of whom we work closely with. In partnership with parents and carers we develop the child both academically and socially within a happy and supportive environment. We believe that it is vital for children to be active in their own learning to create memorable meaningful experiences and plan our learning around their ideas – if they want a circus, they’ll get a circus!

Muddy Ducks@THS Nursery sessions are held in our brand new purpose built setting. Our committed staff are all highly qualified Teachers and Early Years Educators and are skilled in making children’s learning memorable and fun. We offer individual support to children with additional needs, helping all children to make exceptional progress. We plan activities that challenge and extend children’s understanding and help them to be independent learners who are willing to have a go and try out new ideas – they are tiny THS BIRDS in the making!